Are ALL employers out of touch?

  • May 8, 2007

We hope not! But you have to wonder, after reading a recent study. People are all different, being motivated by different things. Some enjoy non-monetary incentives, such as award merchandise, gift cards, or trips. Others would rather have a cash bonus. Still others crave praise and recognition. Guess what? Most of them aren't getting what they want!

Managers have a lot to learn about employee recognition, according to the results of a recent national Maritz Poll. More than 1000 full-time employees were asked to compare reward practices to employee preferences. The results show there is a significant gap between how employees are currently recognized in the workplace and how they actually want to be recognized.

What employees want most How many are getting it
Incentive gifts 27%
Cash bonuses 29%
Recognition 30%

Money decisions are not just a spin of the wheel

Of course, savvy managers who use a combination of motivational methods usually have the most success keeping employees happy. Few people fall completely in one of the categories above. The study showed that even though 70 percent of employees receive verbal praise - the most prevalent form of employee recognition — only 49 percent of them want it. The rest would rather have something else (or something more).

Furthermore, the research revealed that 55 percent of employees said that the quality of their company's recognition efforts impacts their job performance. Only 10 percent of employees are completely satisfied with their company's employee recognition efforts. No wonder Dilbert's pointy-haired boss strikes such a chord with readers!

If you could use a little help in this department, give us a call.

Report information comes from

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“The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax.”

~ Albert Einstein

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