Award-Winning Promotions

  • Mar 12, 2016

Promotional Products Association International - PPAI - recently awarded the most effective promotional campaigns of the past year. Note: not the coolest products, but the promotions that delivered results. Since that’s our primary focus here at APTCO, we’ll be featuring some of these success stories here and in future editions of this newsletter

Season Ticket Incentive

The Dayton Dragons Minor league baseball team wanted to inspire loyalty among season ticket holders and create a buzz for the upcoming minor league baseball season. Previously used concepts included a custom home-plate box, metal tin/lunch box and a wooden cigar box all designed and printed with the team’s branding. But knowing that there are many competing demands for the consumer’s entertainment dollar, they realized that you’re only as good as your next fresh idea. They already enjoyed good brand recognition in the local area due to the popularity of their team mascot, Heater. It was decided to design an imitation of a Wheaties cereal box using Heater on the front of the box, and to call the product “Heaties.” The box contained a sample of the Limited Edition cereal, season tickets and owner’s manual, a magnet and pocket schedule, and a “free prize” (custom promotional keychain). The full imprint on the box was jam-packed with information such as the opening date, team social media icons, serving sizes (of fun!), alumni players, QR codes, “best if used by date” (the date of the last home game in the 2015 season), and six puzzles and quizzes. All the promotional materials were delivered by March for final distribution to the season ticket holders.

The program helped drive a 92-percent retention rate for season ticket holders. The impression this promotion made set the tone for opening day and increased overall game attendance, too.

“Heaties” cereal helped to extend the branding power of the Dayton Dragons mascot, Heater. 

Fundraiser for Homeless and Veterans

Trinity Community Ministries created a new athletic event with the goal of raising money to support the needs of the homeless and veterans in recovery programs in the greater Atlanta area. There are 10 different events, ranging from running to rowing to throwing to weight lifting. Athletes can either choose to enter all 10 events, or join a team which will collectively enter all events. About 60 participants were to be recruited. Each one, in addition to paying an entry fee, would then raise funds (target: $500 each) to support their individual efforts in the competition.

The mission of this organization is to help the homeless reclaim their lives and return to their families and communities as mentors and leaders. In addition, they recently added a transitional housing program focused on veterans in need of assistance. A slogan was established — “Empower Atlanta’s homeless and veteran community to transform their lives by transforming yours” which conveyed how this event not only helps homeless men and women, and veterans, but also helps those who compete to transform their lifestyle through the training and nutrition needed for participation. Competitors received an ultra-high-quality promotional goody bag featuring items they could use at the event and in training while helping promote the event and brand. This aided in recruiting more competitors and encouraging participation year after year.

The initial event had a target of raising about $40,000. With the help of the carefully selected promotional products, word spread well beyond expectations, and a total of more than $100,000 was raised. Such a foundation made it immediately clear this would be an annual event.

Trinity Combine gathered a lot of attention with their promotional products. 

Did You Know?

In 2016, APTCO celebrates 20 years in business.

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Favorite Quotations

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

~ Thomas Edison

Favorite quotations

Trivia Corner

March is:

  • American Red Cross Month
  • Brain Injury Awareness Month
  • Humorists Are Artists Month
  • Music In Our Schools Month
  • National Social Work Month
  • Women's History Month
. . . and many more than you could count. Check out this listing.

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