Building Employee Engagement

  • Sep 6, 2022


LogMeIn is a software provider specializing in remote access, a service that has seen a huge surge in demand since 2020. With around 300 employees, they saw the need to maintain a healthy employee culture along with a high level of employee engagement. With that end in mind, they created a program called WE@LogMeIn, with an emphasis on honoring and empowering women in the work force.

LogMeIn began exploring ideas to celebrate Women’s History Month for their women-empowering WE@LogMeIn employee resource group, with a special interest in products that supported a give-back initiative. This led to an opportunity to work with Peace by Piece International and their partner, Creamos, a nonprofit organization providing opportunities for women living in the communities of Guatemala City Garbage Dump (GCGD).

Employees participating in WE@LogMeIn were able to sign up to receive a handmade scrunchie made by the women Creamos served and to send a scrunchie to an amazing woman in their lives. Each scrunchie was created using traditional Guatemalan fabric. A romance card was attached to each item, explaining who made the scrunchie and how it impacted another woman’s life in Guatemala, complete with her signature. The goal was to empower one woman and honor another.

This was certainly not the first program at the company to further engagement and build a sense of inclusion, but it had the highest adoption rate the employee resource group had ever experienced. By all measures, it was a success.

Log Me In scrunchie

Favorite Quotations

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.”

~ T. S. Eliot

Favorite quotations
