Dairy outreach program is udder success

  • Sep 18, 2007

When you have a mascot as memorable as Queenie the Cow, you want to milk her for all she's worth. Penn Maid Dairy in Philadelphia does that by taking its message to local schools. Queenie and other staff members show kids the benefits of dairy products and give them string cheese samples, as well as a branded folder with coupons, a pencil and a magnet to take home.

“Since we present our program as a school assembly, we wanted something for the kids to use in school,” says spokesperson Maureen Scallatino. “The pencil was the perfect choice. It is a standard #2 pencil recommended for school use, but with a wrap imprint so the text beneath the logo would be clear. The cow spot graphics lined up at the back of the wrap without a break in the design.”

As for the magnet, it was chosen for its staying power on the fridge, where kids see it at the most relevant times. Scallatino says, “We hope it reminds them to eat a healthy snack, instead of something that contains fat or sugar.”

Penn Maid is pleased with the program results, which are tracked through redemption of the coupons. “Our program has been extremely successful since its inception in 2002,” Scallatino says. “We have visited hundreds of thousands of school-aged students since then, and when we are at a community event, the kids come up to us and remember what they heard during our program. It's very gratifying to know that our message is alive and well.”</p

Queenie dairy products
