Incentive Program Helps Customers and Employees

  • Apr 10, 2014

It's probably a surprise to nobody that surveys rating satisfaction with customer service usually have cable TV providers near the bottom of the list. “Waiting for the cable guy” is a phrase so often used that if works its way into a lot of stories. If it weren't based on real experience, then it might die away. But how many of us have been there?

So cable provider xfinity decided they wanted to make some improvements. They have a staff of 1800 technicians who deal directly with consumers, installing products and troubleshooting problems. The goal was to make customers happier, while improving employee performance and morale. They really go hand-in-hand, but this program started with a focus on the technician, knowing that customer satisfaction level was a direct result of their performance.

A variety of gifts helped the xfinity incentive program to be effective. 

A program was developed that ran through all of calendar year 2013. The strategy focused on defining an incentive program that awarded specific performance metrics and provided an opportunity to be recognized for 1) customer satisfaction, 2) meeting or exceeding the appointment window, 3) successful service call resolution, and 4) reducing the service call-back rate, number of safety incidents and number of service calls.

Four levels of excellence were created. To provide continuous incentive, the strategy was to differentiate the recogition given to each levelwith a unique color and a concept of a “kit” with multiple items for each level. Over the course of six months, color schemes were chosen, multiple product selections were identified and final products were determined for each level. Products used were two polos, hoodie, safety vest, cooler, pins, clings, caps, fleece vest, and backpack. A web store was created for ease of purchase and maintenance of inventory, reporting capabilities and distribution of product.

Six months may seem like a lengthy planning period, but the results showed it was worth it. The program resulted in a 230% increase in those achieving higher levels of service excellence. That improvement on the technician side led to customer satisfaction with work completed showing a 318% increase. Results like that work their way right to a company's bottom line.

The right incentive program can deliver results. How can we help you?

Did You Know?

Incentives can motivate people to make changes, and people will often do more for STUFF than they will for money.

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“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.”

~ Mark Twain

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Trivia Corner

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  • National Humor Month
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  • National Pecan Month
  • Stress Awareness Month
  • National Poetry Month
. . . and many more than you could count. Check out this listing.

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