Integrated Chipware Visitors See the Future

  • Jul 21, 2009

High-tech company Integrated Chipware was looking forward to a trade show to introduce their new icWORKSHOP product. The target audience consisted of programmers and engineers. Since this was in the early stages of product development, they had a real need for qualified beta-testers to get real-world experience with the software, and give them valuable feedback to improve the final release version. To build interest prior to the show, they sent out invitations in the form of buttons portraying a futuristic man and the slogan, “I’ve Seen the Future.” This visual theme was later reinforced in the booth with custom imprinted shirts, ties and earrings, worn by the booth staff, and custom mouse pads and screen savers.

To qualify the visitors, they were asked to view a demonstration. Stress- and boredom-relieving toys are longtime favorites of computer programmers and engineers, so those who viewed the demonstration were given thank you gifts of stress-relief juggling sets. They were a perfect match for the target audience. But of course, Integrated Chipware was more interested in what their prospects would be doing when they weren't taking stress breaks. Having successfully gotten their attention, the campaign resulted in 281 of the 500 booth visitors becoming qualified leads for icWORKSHOP.

Integrated Chipware booth items use I've Seen The Future theme.
