In response to devastating wildfires in the Valencia region this summer, McDonald’s Spain created a virtual burger to raise awareness and funds to help support their partner farmers in the area. During the three-week campaign, customers could purchase the “Hamburger That Could Not Be” at restaurant kiosks. The invisible “burger” is a recent addition to McDonald’s Spain’s “Big Good” humanitarian initiative, launched in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic to help Spanish farmers, and follows the installation in October 2021 of the brand’s iconic “golden arches” signs in Spanish fi elds where the raw ingredients are grown. The campaign is a great example of cause-related marketing, where a business or brand aligns itself with a social issue to help raise awareness and demonstrate corporate responsibility. Cause-related marketing helps build relationships with customers by inviting them to work toward a common goal with your brand.
The 2022 Trust Barometer study by PR firm Edelman found that “societal leadership is now a core function of business” – almost 6 in 10 respondents (58%) said they purchase from brands based on the company’s beliefs and values. This echoes a 2020 study by Zeno Group, which revealed that consumers globally are four to six times more likely to purchase from and champion purpose-driven companies.
It’s clear that consumers increasingly want to know where their dollars are going and why, and carefully curated promo products can play a lead role in cause-related or give-back campaigns. There are wonderful organizations like PromoCares and the current PPAI initiatives that are uncovering amazing stories of corporate social responsibility, but we have found that simple conversations oftentimes bring light to phenomenal programs that simply aren’t talked about. The great news is there are so many fantastic give-back products to choose from. Give us a call at APTCO, and we can help you find one of these opportunities that fits well with your needs.
“What you do has far greater impact than what you say.”
~ Steven Covey