A new study, just released by the Promotional Products Association International (PPAI), empirically proves that promotional products are an effective ad medium and key to integrated marketing campaigns.
A study of 18-34 year olds, the most sought-after demographic group in terms of advertising dollars, was conducted exclusively for PPAI by researchers at Louisiana State University and the University of Texas at San Antonio. The study, which was performed in a controlled environment, measured:
Participants in the study were exposed to advertising for pizza via three mediums: television commercial, print ad and promotional product. A key finding of the study was that adding a promotional product to the media mix generated favorable attitudes toward the ad in all cases (up to 44%). And in some instances, the use of a promotional product as the advertising medium alone achieved maximum impact, up to 69% increasing brand interest and 84 % in creating a good impression of the brand.
Based on the results of the study, researchers found that while the print ad came in first overall, respondents preferred promotional products as an advertising medium rather than television ads.
The study conclusively demonstrates that promotional products:
Aptco provides apparel of all varieties, to clients as diverse as performing groups, roofing contractors, medical offices, banks, sports teams, food service, and retail. Screen printing and embroidery is a usual part of the package in our uniform programs.
“Formula for success: Rise early, work hard, strike oil.”
~ J. Paul Getty
A baby is born with about 300 bones. Some fuse and grow together, and a typical adult has 206 bones.
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