Pigs On The Wing

  • Mar 11, 2008

You know the cliché “yeah, the day pigs fly.” You've probably even used it yourself at one point or another. Well, Capital One is taking the term literally.

In November, Capital One, the financial services company that asks, “What's in your wallet?” had 100 Columbus, OH Skybus Airline passengers asking, “What's on that airplane?” The answer would be six illustrated pigs, 10-feet high with a wingspan of 13-feet decked out in bomber jackets, scarves and navigator goggles.

The Capital One-sponsored Airbus A319 will fly across the country for six months in celebration of the company's “too good to be true” Rewards Money Market Account. This campaign began with a pink carpet event involving plenty of promotional products. Passengers on the inaugural flight at Port Columbus International Airport received a logoed piggy stress ball, glass flying pig Christmas ornament, a certificate celebrating the day, as well as pig snouts.

Summer When Pigs Fly

The Capital One Rewards Money Market Account rewards consumers with travel miles for saving their money using this financial services provider rather than their piggy bank. They earn one mile for every $20 of average balance per month, including interest.

“Many consumers think that a product that rewards you for saving sounds too good to be true,” said Capital One Direct Banking spokesperson Pam Girardo in a statement. “So we decided to drive the message home in a visual way. We think that consumers across the country will get the message loud and clear when they see flying pigs - smart savings strategies can really take you places.”

This promotion begs the question: Does this now mean a snowball has a chance in hell?</p

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Favorite Quotations

“I fail every single day of my life - that's what makes me great!”

~ Michael Jordan

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Trivia Corner

An average pig squeals at a range of 100 to 115 decibels.

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