Poker-Themed Promo Puts Politician in the Chips

  • Oct 9, 2007

“Family values” is one of the most common phrases you'll hear in the typical politician's repertoire. The last thing a candidate or elected official wants is to be associated with any sort of vice - right?

Well, not always. When you're the mayor of Sin City, all bets are off. Case in point: Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman uses an imprinted poker chip as a business card alternative.“My favorite promotional products are my good luck mayor poker chips”, he says. “They have a picture of me holding a martini, which is my favorite drink.”

Gambling and drinking - that's two vices in one promotional product. Goodman says he gives out about 10,000 of the chips a year, especially when he's on the campaign trail. Besides his caricature, the front of the chips feature the slogan “The Happiest Mayor in the World”. The back is imprinted with his phone number, fax number and e-mail address.

Political poker chip

Is a martini-toting image on a poker chip really a smart promotion for a mayor? Interviewed shortly before being elected for his third term, he said, “The last time I had 86% of the vote, and this time I'm trying to break 90%. I think these chips help improve my chances.”

Though he ended up with a mere 84% against five opponents, Goodman isn't likely to give up the chips just yet. “I'm the envy of all mayors around the world that I have this as my card”, he says.

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