It won’t be long before you start seeing those Halloween pop-up stores in your community. You know the ones – they appear in vacant storefronts, often before the leaves have even changed color. As stealthily and quickly as they arrive, they’re gone just a few days after jack-o’-lanterns disappear from doorsteps. These stores and other pop-up shops and events are part of a $14 billion industry and growing. Some brands and retailers use pop-ups to test out new store formats or locations. Others use pop-up events to launch new products or create immersive experiences.
Among those who have launched pop-ups, 80% said it was a success and 58% said they would do another pop-up, according to a survey of more than 600 professionals in the global retail industry. After hosting a pop-up store, these retailers reported improved market visibility and increased sales and social media buzz. For online-only retailers, pop-up stores are especially appealing. They give shoppers a chance to interact more directly with products, and because pop-up stores are temporary by design, they also create a sense of urgency to buy now. These “here today, gone tomorrow” shops allow brands to connect with consumers in fun, fresh ways without committing to a brick-and-mortar location. They also don’t require a huge financial investment. About half (44%) of retailers who host pop-up shops spend less than $5,000.
In a world where most people prefer online shopping, promotional products can help draw people away from their screens and into a pop-up store to shop. With the right implementation plan, they can build buzz, generate excitement and boost brand awareness. Most successful pop-ups have a promo component, bringing customers in as well as encouraging them to come back. Sometimes all it takes is a little incentive.
“Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.”
~ Winston Churchill