The week just completed - Feb. 25 - Mar 1, 2013, marks the first observance of Promotional Products Work! Week. The global awareness event, sponsored by Promotional Products Association International, was dedicated to demonstrating the importance of promotional products as a powerful and effective advertising medium. After all, they have quite a long history in this country. George Washington distributed campaign buttons. One of these is currently listed on eBay for $23,000! You'll be relieved to know that none of the products offered by APTCO have that kind of price tag. As a matter of fact, promotional products are known to have a very low cost per impression, compared to other types of advertising.
As part of a $17 billion industry, APTCO consults with businesses to develop effective campaigns using promotional products as part of a marketing strategy. Beyond the low cost per impression, the more important reason for using promotional products is that they allow the marketing to be targeted better than other forms of advertising. That was the message of thousands of events across the country last week. The awareness outreach effort was directed at city, county, state, and federal government officials, along with the business community and the general public.
In conjunction with the week, PPAI released a new study of the effectiveness of promotional products. The impressive statistics are revealed in this one minute video.
There are clear reasons why promotional products WORK
“Energy and persistence conquer all things.”
~ Benjamin Franklin
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