Professional Sports Loves Promotional Products

  • Mar 10, 2015

The NBA and NHL seasons are into their second acts, spring training is already here for major league baseball (even if Spring isn’t). Professional sports takes marketing seriously. Those seats have to be filled to bring in the revenue that supports those high salaries for athletes. So long before the season begins, a promotional calendar is developed.

Take the Cleveland Cavaliers of the NBA. They have a tremendous draw this year with the return home of their native superstar LeBron James. So for opening night, they naturally gave out LeBron James posters. But just for that night, they also distributed shirts resembling their new alternate uniforms, magnet schedules, a light-up baton, and more. Every month they have at least one special night that includes promotional gifts as part of the incentives.

The LeBron James bobblehead was a big hit with Cavaliers fans 

The NHL’s Washington Capitals are in the midst of it too. Fans are enjoying a free beach bag, gift basket auction, and custom player bobbleheads. These higher value gifts are often the result of a sponsorship by local and national businesses, who benefit from the co-branding and positive association with something that people love.

The New York Mets are continuing a tradition for their baseball fans with Free Shirt Fridays. Every Friday home game throughout the season features a new shirt design. Some are created by fans, some commemorate old club logos, while others honor a current player. The Mets don’t stop with T-shirts, as they play to reward fans with posters, tote bags, growth charts for the kids, toy trucks, drawstring bags, and the list goes on.

Businesses that partner with local sports organizations gain great exposure to a target audience that is passionate. If you’d like to explore how that association can help your business, give us a call at APTCO. Our idea supply is endless.

Did You Know?

APTCO can help you to build a promotional calendar, to connect your marketing to attention-getting events.

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~ Stephen R. Covey

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Trivia Corner

May is:

  • ALS Awareness Month
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  • Drum Month
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  • Women's Health Care Month

. . . and many more than you could count. Check out this listing.

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