Promotional Products Through the Centuries
We’ve written here before that one of the earliest uses of promotional products was campaign buttons for George Washington. Of course, they’ve been a staple of political campaigns ever since. The National Museum of American History has an exhibit of some of them from the past two centuries. Here are a handful of our favorites.
A torchlight carried in support of Abraham Lincoln, who was a fan of nighttime campaign parades
A replica log cabin, once mounted to a pole for carrying, that served as a rally piece for William Henry Harrison
Hand fans emblazoned with Barry Goldwater’s face and the slogan “Goldwater Fan Club”
Sheet music for a Richard Nixon campaign song, composed for his first presidential run
A hat in the shape of a cheese wedge from the 1996 Bill Clinton-Al Gore campaign
A pot holder featuring candidate Dwight Eisenhower’s likeness
A coloring book about ecology, distributed by George McGovern’s campaign in the 70’s, as an attempt to connect with earth-conscious voters
Favorite Quotations
“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.”
~ Andrew Carnegie