Safety Campaign Reduces Accidents

  • Feb 12, 2008

At Massey Energy's 15 different coal mining sites, safety is a moment-by-moment concern. A recent campaign had the objectives of increasing awareness of safety habits in the workplace, improving workforce safety performance and reducing absenteeism.

This year-long campaign served as a constant reminder to work safely and develop safety-conscious work habits. The campaign kicked off with the posting of a banner at each mine, the distribution of compressed t-shirts and the presentation of “Masseyopoly,” a Massey-customized version of the board game, Monopoly. This last item made a huge splash with the workforce. The campaign also introduced the character of “Raymond,” a safety mascot who appears on all of the program's communication pieces and promotional items. Every month, the mine sites received a new and different item, among them, beverage insulators, hats, emergency flipper kit, pocket watches and hard hat decals. A new banner arrived every quarter to keep the program fresh and safety awareness foremost in the minds of employees.

Results: During the program, the company saw its Loss Time Accident Ratio decrease by 47 percent, recording the two safest years in the company's 90-year history.


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