Seven Best Practices of Recognition Programs

  • Oct 13, 2009

Developing a comprehensive recognition program is an in-depth process that can have a direct positive effect on employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and company profitability. Far from separate, these three things are actually intertwined.Recognition Professionals International (RPI) recently developed a set of standards based on recent research. In the current economy, it is more important than ever to make sure that efforts to motivate employees and customers are not a waste of money. Like any business initiative, return on investment should be a paramount consideration.

The standards look at the following seven categories, focusing on employee motivation:

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  • Recognition Strategy
    This should link to the corporate vision, mission, and values. It should identify, recognize, and promote behaviors that advance the organizations goals and values.
  • Management Responsibility
    Employees work for managers, not organizations. Their relationship largely determines employee satisfaction. Positive feedback from managers (or the lack of it) leads employees to give their best effort (or to leave).
  • Recognition Program Measurement
    The effectiveness can be measured if the program has been well-designed. Top management wants to know that the spending is effective and that the activities are worth the investment.
  • Communications Planning
    This should include consideration of the message, the audience, the method, and the resources.
  • Recognition Training
    Managers cannot implement a program consistently without thorough training. They want increased employee productivity and satisfaction, yet few know how to use recognition to get these results.
  • Recognition Events and Celebration
    Planning a recognition event requires both creativity and attention to detail. From setting the date and location, through promoting a theme and building excitement, selecting awards, to the final presentation, there is much to be done to make it a memorable experience.
  • Program Change and Flexibility
    It is critical to determine what is working and what is not. Programs should be constantly tweaked to improve their effectiveness.

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