Survey Proves Effectiveness of Promotional Products

  • Nov 15, 2011

How do recipients feel about receiving a promotional product? What purpose do they think the item serves? What actions do they take? These are crucial questions every advertiser should know and understand, as the answers can have a dramatic impact on their ROI. Answers were provided in a recent survey from MarketTools, Inc.

Consumers are inundated with advertising messages and the challenge for businesses is find a way to cut through the clutter and to not only reach their target audience, but to resonate with them. And, according to survey respondents, promotional products do just that.

Respondents were asked to think of a promotional product they’d received in the past two years and to recall the specific product, the advertiser and the message: a whopping 76.2% recalled all three key pieces of information.

Promotional products are powerful, both as effective forms of communication and as useable, necessary tools. The following results reveal just how seamlessly promotional products integrate into life, impacting the daily routines of the recipients.

  • 91% had at least one promotional product in their kitchen
  • 74% had at least one promotional product in their work area
  • 55% had at least one promotional product in their bedroom closet/storage space

Further, the survey showed that:

  • 83% of American consumers surveyed like receiving a promotional product with an advertising message
  • 48% would like to receive promotional products more often
  • 38% feel promotional products serve as a constant reminder of the advertiser

Promotional products can be the most effective marketing 

In an interesting twist, consumers were asked if they would pick up a promotional product given by an advertiser at an event. Only 3% said they would not. But while 23% said they would pick it up no matter what it was, 3 times that many (69%) said they would take it if they found it useful.

So you might want to think about functionality when choosing a product for your campaign. Of course, as we frequently remind our readers, it's even more important to tie the product to a marketing objective and message.
