Trending Tech Products

  • Nov 12, 2019

No idea is original, or so they say. And with that expression in mind, tech products are invented, then reinvented or re-made to fit today’s market. That’s what we discovered for 2019. Yes, there are new products within the following categories but they are basic remakes of 2018. Here is a quick review of the most popular tech products based on current sales. Power banks, USB drives (bracelets), rotating flash drives, promotional phone stands/holders/cases and headphones seem to be the brightest and biggest tech promo products for 2019. You can view the many styles on our web site by clicking any of the headings below.


Your customers will really love you when you give them almost any type of charger. When their device is about to go dead, you are their lifesaver. Battery back up provided by your company will go a long way and provide many ad impressions.


USB drives are inexpensive these days and people sometimes have a tendency to lose them. For the serious data user there's an answer … the USB drive bracelet. It clips around your wrist and comes in a ton of colors.


Rotating flash drives are by far the most popular and best selling USB drives of all time. There are more style derivations of this drive and over time it has grown in storage from 256kb to more than 32 gigs while conforming to the same basic size. Amazing, eh? But just the same, in spite of its modifications, it’s still the same swivel drive we’ve all come to know and love. Believe it or not, this drive style has been a staple in the industry for a decade!


Seriously, there has to be over 1,000 types of phone stands, cases and accessories to hold/display your phone. It’s crazy. With so many types, it’s really hard to choose which one is the best. But no matter what promo phone stand you purchase you’ll find a very cost effective item. We suggest that you look to these basic requirements. First and foremost, how efficient is the phone stand? Does it work easily? Next, longevity. Does the case have a long life so that it will create tons of impressions? Last, is it stylish and look contemporary?


Selfie sticks have been popular for a long time. They usually come complete with a remote shutter and countdown timer function. All your customers need to do is attach a smartphone, and all of a sudden you have one really long arm that can take a really great selfie. Host a selfie promotion and you just might find your program gets millions of hits on Twitter, Facebook, etc. When this happens, you can smile all the way to the bank.


There are BOSE and then there are headphones. That’s the big divide. BOSE does sell headphones with a logo on them but you can find headphones with somewhat comparable sound quality for much less. Will they sound as good as the BOSE do? Probably not ... but the promotional versions will do a great job. Your customers will never complain getting them as a gift ... and they will show them off getting lots and lots of ad impressions. In addition, there are many different price points that can fit almost any promotional program you decide to sponsor. A ton of people listen to their personal devices ... so why not provide earbuds with your logo on them? People will see your logo on trains, planes, in airports on the streets or eating lunch in the park.


You may think that bluetooth speakers cost a bundle. That’s so far from the truth. There are so many mid-priced speakers available it’s not funny. Connect your customer with their favorite music library and they’ll play many hours of music all the time displaying your logo.

Trending tech products

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