Winning Promotions

  • Feb 8, 2021

Every year, PPAI (Promotional Products Association International) recognizes promotional campaigns that have achieved extraordinary results with a Pyramid Award. These span a wide range of categories within the world of advertising, and include organizations from very large to very small. They demonstrate that promotional products—physical advertising—is a critical component of campaigns that often involve multiple channels. Reading about these successful campaigns often inspires new ideas that can be applied to other situations.

Internal Communication This large distributor with over 400 employees has long had a wellness program. But it wasn’t enjoying the level of participation that management wanted. To improve that, they decided to brand their wellness program encouraging all employees to be fully charged in nine areas of well-being. They created the Fully Charged Bingo Challenge, which asked employees to engage in all nine areas by completing activities on their unique bingo card.

  1. physical health
  2. mental health
  3. emotional health
  4. mindfulness
  5. nutrition
  6. financial and environmental security
  7. feelings of engagement and empowerment
  8. personal growth and development
  9. safety

They wanted to provide opportunities that offered something for everyone so that they could reach a broader group of employees. The overarching theme suggested that if each person was the best they could be, it would make them a better and stronger company. The promotion was aimed at reinforcing overall well-being and providing items that would be a lasting, visible and functional symbol of the Fully Charged program. The Fully Charged logo with a lightning bolt created a visual for being charged up.

Participation has been very high. Because the program is so broad, it was not expected that all employees would hit all 9 targets, but, for the same reason, there were multiple opportunities for success for everyone. There was a significant increase in participation in healthy living activities, as employees strove to be Fully Charged.

fully charged promotion

Favorite Quotations

“Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves.”

~ Dale Carnegie

Favorite quotations
