Let's face it. In this age of internet marketing, postal mail suffers from the Rodney Dangerfield complex - it just can't get any respect. When you bring in the daily mail, if you're like most people, you don't take long to sort through it. The marketing pieces in the stack will only get more than a glance about 20% of the time. If they survive that first pass, only highlights like headlines, pictures and captions will grab fleeting attention. Scanning replaces reading. That quick scan will eliminate about half right on the spot. Of the 10% that remain, another half will stumble on some little detail and toss the piece into the trash. Now the advertiser is down to 5% who might actually think about the offer that landed in the mailbox. Is it any surprise that direct bulk mail typically only gets 1-2% positive response?
Of course, all this generalizing applies to true bulk mail - a generic piece mailed to a large list. A more targeted and personalized mailing will generate a much higher response. It doesn't take a lot of improvement over 1% to create a real return on investment, even with higher unit costs. But for now, let's look at four steps that should be considered in order to improve even a standard direct mail piece.
By following these four steps, you can do your part to improve on the 98% rate of direct mail pieces heading to the trash can. If you'd like to explore how direct mail can benefit your business, contact us here at APTCO.
APTCO offers Summer discounts on calendars with delivery deferred till Fall.
“Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.”
~ Eleanor Roosevelt
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