The Importance of Color in Branding

  • Nov 10, 2015

Here at APTCO we spend a lot of time working with logos for businesses and organizations of all types. Some logos are known worldwide while others are just recognized locally. Regardless of whether they are backed by a formal branding standards manual, they communicate the company image. Our job in designing marketing pieces is to make sure that there is consistency in the look.

So when we saw a study in Entrepreneur Magazine of the meanings of different colors used in logos, we thought it was worth sharing. While you may not agree with all the opinions, it makes for a fun read. Here it is, in the form of an infographic:

Red is associated with blood and fire. Blue is associated with the depth and stability of sky and sea. Yellow is associated with the energy and joy of sunshine. Green is associated with the harmony of nature. Purple is associated with the luxury of royalty. Orange is associated with sunshine and the tropics. Black is associated with the formality and mystery of night. Pink is associated with feminine traits. Brown is associated with the nurturing trait of Mother Earth.

Notice a few big names up there? Those folks have some pretty deep pockets, and had to dig deep into them for some of those logos. But you'd be surprised at how little some of them cost. Entrepreneur went further into their analysis, showing some interesting history.

Children as young as 2-3 recognize logos, and by age 8 associate logos with its company accurately. Logos of the top value companies can be very expensive, as evidenced by the 1 million dollar price tag Pepi paid for their latest one, or the $1.8 million paid by the BBC. On the other hand, Twitter paid $15 for it's logo by licensing a stock graphic. Coca-Cola, Goodyear, Johnson & Johnson, GE, and Campbell's are 5 logos that have barely changed since their inception. On the other hand, IBM, Nokia, and Canon logos are complletely different from their originals.

Did You Know?

APTCO will ensure that your logo will endure, whatever the environment.

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